Calories, fat, protein, carbohydrate values for 4 Oz Grilled Chicken Breast other related foods.
Chicken Breast Nutrition Facts . chicken breast macros one 3-ounce (85g) grilled, boneless, skinless piece 26 grams protein 2.7 grams fat zero grams carbohydrates. serving size has 128 calories. Note many commercially packaged chicken breasts much larger 3 ounces.
Grilled Chicken Breast Nutrition Facts . Grilled chicken breast an excellent source protein, choline, B vitamins riboflavin, niacin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, well minerals phosphorus, potassium, zinc, selenium.Here's nutritional breakdown grilled chicken breast, based the U.S. Department Agriculture (USDA) data.
Find how calories, fat, protein other nutrients in 1 breast grilled chicken breast. Compare types chicken breast grilled chicken products FatSecret database calorie counter.
Calories, fat, protein, carbohydrate values for Grilled Chicken Breast other related foods.
Learn many calories, fat, protein, other nutrients in 3 ounces grilled chicken breast the USDA database. Compare % Daily and product transparency tips Syndigo.
Learn the calories, fat, protein, B vitamins minerals grilled chicken breast. Find how cook chicken breast the oven the benefits B vitamins.
Skinless, grilled chicken breasts in about healthful eating plan, . 3 ounces grilled boneless chicken breast. 128 calories; 2.7 grams fat (4% DV) 0.8 saturated fat (4% DV)
3 oz grilled chicken breast (Herb seasoned) 128 Calories. macronutrient breakdown 0% carbs, 19% fat, 81% protein. is good source protein (46% your Daily Value), potassium (7% your Daily Value), vitamin b6 (75% your Daily Value).
The amount calories, carbs, fat, protein values One Grilled Chicken Breast, 6 Oz . Fat 42% Protein 58% Percent Calories. 6 oz one grilled chicken breast, 6 oz (Western Sizzlin) 210 Calories. macronutrient breakdown 0% carbs, 42% fat, 58% protein. is good source protein (55% your Daily Value). .
How Many Calories Are In Chicken Breasts, Thighs, And Wings?